Bacterial Cell Biology Lab
School of Biological Sciences | The University of AucklandJoin Us
Prospective PhD Students
If you are an inquisitive, motivated individual, and are interested in microbiology, bacteriology, or phage biology, we may have a position for you. You can see an overview of the projects we currently have underway on the Research Themes page. It’s best to send me an email if you want more information on potential projects.
Domestic students with a GPA of 8.0 (essentially straight A’s) in their most recent qualifying program are guaranteed a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship. Information about the application process and entry requirements can be found on the University website. There is no cutoff date for enrolment or application. At times we may have external grant funded PhD scholarships for exceptional students who do not meet the guaranteed scholarship threshold but can demonstrate a genuine interest and aptitude for the research.
International students are also eligible for the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship, though due to variations in different countries grading schemes there is no simple GPA or GPE threshold. It is best to contact the University Student Support Team if you need information about eligibility.
There may be other scholarships available on the University scholarships website.

MSc and Honours
We have projects for MSc and Honours (BSc Hons, and BMedSc Hons). Most MSc students will need to initially enroll in a PgDipSci and would then do their research thesis proposal with my lab before entering the MSc research year in their second year. There are scholarships available for the MSc and Honours programs.
There may be other scholarships available on the University scholarships website.
Undergraduate opportunities
We normally have Summer Studentships available for domestic undergraduate students. These can be found on the University Summer Research Scholarships website. These are short 10 week research projects over the summer, and provide a glimpse into what a career in research looks like. These can also provide an excellent jump start to further postgraduate studies. These provide a $6,500 stipend.
Options for Post-doctoral researchers
New Zealand trains some of the best PhD students in the world, as such our labs are typically very student driven. Unfortunately, our funding structure is generally quite limited for post-doctoral researchers. When we do have post-doctoral opportunities, they will be listed here.
The best option is to apply for your own funding. I can support you in applying for such funding opportunities:
Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships – NZ citizens or residents
Ngā Puanga Pūtaiao Fellowships – NZ citizens or residents, Māori and Pacific Peoples
Human Frontiers Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships (NZ link)
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships– must be a national of an EMBC Member State and must have performed their PhD in one of the EMBC Member States
Marie Curie Individual Fellowships